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Whale Method Issues


Jun 19, 2008
Has anyone here heard of the Whale Method Diet? It's where you absorb all your nutrition from having a wide open mouth wherever you go--and all the floating particles build up in your mouth. I've heard it's really good for people who need nutrients but also need to lose weight. (It's not recommended for those living in urban environments.) I've been trying it for a few days now, but I keep having trouble with my mouth drying out. Does anyone have any suggestions?
the air doesn't have nutrients. are you srs?
^ sounds similar to the sun gazing diet.


good luck in your endeavours anyway, let us know when you get hungry for food, the kind you eat though I mean.

That is the most retarded link I have ever read. I seriously think thats worse than the flat earth society. This is actually dangerous, I mean it encourages people to starve themselves and become malnourished with pseudoscientific babble about absorbing photons directly.
Has anyone here heard of the Whale Method Diet? It's where you absorb all your nutrition from having a wide open mouth wherever you go--and all the floating particles build up in your mouth. I've heard it's really good for people who need nutrients but also need to lose weight. (It's not recommended for those living in urban environments.) I've been trying it for a few days now, but I keep having trouble with my mouth drying out. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I suggest that you start eating a healthy diet and stop falling for ridiculous things like this. "Whale Method Diet" I mean seriously, that sounds like something one would read on the onion. Even if you ate every dust particle that came into your mouth daily, it would amount to no nutrition at all.
Some speculate that this is how buddha boy gets his nourishment, from the sun and the air he breathes.



"Bomjon was observed not to leave the tree at least during the daytime, but nobody was allowed to approach him too closely. Between 5:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. nobody was allowed to see him, and a screen was erected for that purpose. Many people speculated that he ate and drank water during that time."

It makes more sense that he just ate and drank like a normal person during these long expanses when no one was allowed to see him.

The mind can do some amazing things through meditation in terms of slowing down the metabolism and I don't deny that he may be able to fast for several days at a time during certain periods (especially when means are taken to record his activities for periods of time.)
troll *cough*

ummm, seriously though if people want to starve themselves thats their business
Oh wow, and I thought the detox craze was bad enough.

You know, in Arabic, telling someone to "go eat air" is a euphemism for "go eat shit." I'm not joking.
Oh wow, and I thought the detox craze was bad enough.

You know, in Arabic, telling someone to "go eat air" is a euphemism for "go eat shit." I'm not joking.

While the 'whale diet' brings a smile to my face too, I wouldn't discount detoxification "movements" as a craze. I could equally say "antacid craze", "statins craze", "chemo craze". The latter all address the symptom, while the former try to address the underlying cause. Ironically, "drink/eat/pop your vitamin C", "get your daily "vitamin E", "get your active yogurt cultures", "green tea is where it's at!" are all part of that same "detox craze", yet millions subscribe to these very narrow and unbalanced "Brand-X magic potion" approaches. The balanced ones - the ones that teach you to cleanse yourself on the way in and the way out - are deemed quackery. Sure, there are those who tarnish valid methods on both sides of the natural-mainstream divide. There are quacks in every village.